Last Wednesday, I had the honor of attending the official lighting of“Bright Nights” in Springfield, MA. “Bright Nights” is a holiday lighting display in Springfield that is one of the largest tourist attractions in the Northeast! For the countdown, I was in the good company of the Mayor Dominic Sarno and The Lieutenant Governor, Tim Murray.
On Friday, (after recovering from the annual Thanksgiving “food coma”), I participated in Springfield's “Big Balloon Parade”. I was joined by a few of the local titleholders and had fun, despite the chilly temps and damp air. I was thrilled to find the GirlScouts marching and had some girl-talk with them before the parade began! I also ran into an old friend from UMass (Hi Neil!) After the parade, my Mom and I had some bonding time as we shopped a few “Black Friday” Sales. The holidays are underway!
Love, Alicia