Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Radiothon and "The Volunteers"

Last weekend I had the opportunity to once again, visit Baystate Children's Hospital. This time it was to volunteer for the annual “Radiothon”. I have participated in the “Radiothon” for the past few years and enjoy it every single time. 94.7 WMAS makes the event even more meaningful by broadcasting the stories of children who have benefited from The Children's Miracle Network during the event. At times I was almost moved to tears by these stories... Ely Dunn, the Fundraising Coordinator for CMN, allowed me to leave my phone station for a while and visit the children on the Playdeck of Baystate Hospital.

Visiting with these children always makes me realize how much I love what I do. I am in a position to make a difference in my community, state, and the lives of children. It is incredibly rewarding when I see the smiles that spread across the faces of these courageous children, who have been through so much in their young lives.

After feeling invigorated by the Baystate visit, I made my way to a concert put together by my friend Jim Berelli and the “West Springfield Veterans Council”. The concert featured a band called “The Volunteers”, who were a US Army Field Band. Their concert set featured pop, country, and rock hits, along with a Patriotic tribute to all of the Veterans in the audience. Being in attendance at this event, in the presence of so many men and women who are committed to our nation, was very humbling. After the concert, I ran into some old friends (Lida Powell and her beautiful daughters, Jim Berelli and his family, and West Springfield's Mayor Gibson) and made some new ones...including "The Volunteers" themselves and I can say that not only are they talented, but also GENUINE and SWEET!

Above, I have included an original song that "The Volunteers" performed at the concert. The song is entitled "Defenders of the Stars". For more information about the band, click here -

Love, Alicia

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