Sunday, May 10, 2009

School visits continue...

I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine.

She helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights.

~Adabella Radici

First of all, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all of the Mamas out there. It is important that we all take some time to think about how important Mothers are (and not only for the obvious reason of birthing us). My Mother is a constant source of love, guidence, and strength. I thank God for her and my family, everyday.

Now on to my "School Tour Re-Cap" of the week. On Wednesday, I had three "Right Decisions Right Now Presentations" in a row... bam bam BAM! The adventure began at Fausey School (the school that I attended grades 1st-5th). It was such a treat to once again walk through the halls that I had walked through as a child, with smaller feet of course. ;) I set up shop and presented to the 5th graders there. My 5th grade teacher, was in the room for the presentation which made it even more fun! As usual, after my presentation, there was an autograph session. During the autograph session, the students formed a line and you can imagine my surprise to find my 2nd grade teacher in line waiting for an autograph! She had taken a moment to sneak away from her classroom and say hello to me and I appreciated it very much. Visiting Fausey School brought back so many memories that helped to shape my childhood... Cheerleading practice on the plaground, making storybooks in class, lunchtime, and pure happiness.

Unfortunately, I had to rush out to my next school visit, which was at a West Springfield Alternative School. This visit was important to me because I was informed that the "alternative school" in West Springfield did not receive as many visitors and guest speakers as the other schools did. I thought that that was unfortunate and I am always up for a challenge, so I made it a point to visit and was very glad that I did. The group was made of about 12 kids, who I feel truly benefited from what I had to say. My last stop of the day was at another school that I used to attend - West Springfield Middle School! I was delighted to find an auditorium packed with eager children, when I arrived. The presentation was spirited and invigorating... Gosh I wish that I still had as much energy as Middle Schoolers. I enjoyed visiting the Office Staff and even saw some familiar faces during my travels throughout the school! My final school visit of the week was at McMahon School in Holoke, MA. The students were talkative and high energy, maybe because it was a Friday (we all get like that on Fridays, right? :) Which led to a lively question and answer session. I finished the week on a high note and felt like I had made a difference in the lives of young ones. What's better than that?

On Friday evening, I travled to the North Andover Country Club for a "Family Services, Inc." benefit. I hadn't received much information about this event... all that I knew was it was dinner and an auction. As usual, I decided to bring a few cocktail dresses for my stay in Eastern MA and decide what to wear later. After some contemplation, I thought that a black and white cocktail dress would be perfect for the occasion... Well, how lucky am I? Stepping out of the car, I realize that EVERYONE is wearing back and white because the theme of the whole party was black and white! Man, am I good! haha I literally walked into the Country Club thanking God! Phew!

Anyway, the event was a BLAST! The entire room was elegantly decorated in black and white with numerous stations set up for fundraising efforts. There was a silent auction with prizes including a trip to Africa, a bidding on "boxes" that held surprises, and a raffle... and not just any raffle -- being raffled off was a stunning diamond necklace. I almost passed out when I was told that I would be modeling the necklace for the evening while encouraging people to purchase raffle tickets. They sure didn't have to ask me twice! Below is a picture of me wearing the necklace... and not wanting to ever take it off. Unfortunately for me, by the end of the evening the necklace had a new owner. You win some, you lose some, right?During the event they also served a beautiful meal (complete with a crazy chocolate mousse, swan dessert) and had a live band. The fundraiser was a giant success and I need to Congratulate Family Services, Inc. for a job well done and send a Thank You to them for inviting me to take part!

Love, Alicia

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